Is it profitable to do Airbnb in Palma de Mallorca, Spain?

What is the occupancy rate of Airbnb in Palma de Mallorca, Spain?

What is the average daily rate of Airbnb in Palma de Mallorca, Spain?

Spain / Palma de Mallorca

Palma de Mallorca, Airbnb Market Statistics & Data, Spain

A typical short-term rental listing in Palma de Mallorca is booked for 277 nights a year, with a median occupancy rate of 76% and an average daily rate of €119. In 2023, a typical host income (annual revenue) was €31K. As of 6th September, 2024, there are 1,548 active Airbnb listings.

Average Revenue: €31K/yr
Occupancy Rate
Avg Daily Rate
No. of Listings
Best Month
** Period: 2023 Aug - 2024 July | Last Updated on: 6th September, 2024
Revenue By Month
2023-08 - 2024-07

Is Airbnb Profitable in Palma de Mallorca?

Yes, there is good short-term rental demand. A 76% median occupancy rate is considered a good market for Airbnb. The graph below shows the average monthly host income by month.

Average Airbnb Occupancy Rate in Palma de Mallorca
A typical listing recorded a 76% average occupancy rate between 2023-08 - 2024-07. In this graph, you can see the occupancy rate distribution.

You can find the distribution graph of daily rate and revenue in our market dashboard.
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