Quick facts
All statistics below is collected and processed from Airbtics, unless specified otherwise.
The observation period is between 2023 October to 2024 September.
- Average length of stay on Airbnb in Marrakech is
4.8 days.
- There are 7,965 active Airbnb listings.
- The most common group size of Airbnb booking is 3.2 people
- A typical listing was booked for 63% of available
- On average Airbnb users paid for MAD748 per
night for each night of stay. (excluding airbnb service fee and cleaning fee)
- On average Airbnb users spent
MAD2394 for
4.8 nights of stay on Airbnb in Marrakech.
How does visitor number changes throughout the year?
This graph shows how does the number of visitor changes throughout the year, and shows peak season. As you can see, the peak season is May. The number of visitors per month are assumed using various data sources Airbtics collected.