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Last updated on June 23rd, 2023

Florida Rental Yield Hotspots

Airbnb & Short-term rental market data on the best rental yields in Florida

  • Click the city name to see detailed market data. 
  • Used Home Values data from Zillow to calculate Gross Rental Yields.
  • Used 1-bedroom Airbnb revenue data from Airbtics App.
House Price Annual Revenue Airbnb Occupancy Rate Average Yield
Miami $338,450 $48,342 58% 14.28%
Fort Lauderdale $279,341 $28,490 57% 10.20%
St Augustine Beach $248,883 $32,579 59% 13.09%
Jacksonville Beach $314,580 $37,808 52% 12.02%
Orlando $155,167 $30,559 52% 19.69%
Tampa $235,172 $30,375 55% 12.92%
Clearwater $157,067 $30,820 57% 19.62%
Fort Myers $155,216 $12,398 47% 7.99%
Key West $705,980 $140,878 57% 19.95%
St Petersburg $175,035 $26,452 54% 15.11%

Available Dataset for purchase


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