🎉 FREE WEBINAR - July 24th, 11am / 8pm CET - Learn Airbtics in 7 Minutes - Revenue and Market Analysis Tips and Best Practices!

Customer Support


How Can We Help You?



01 Is there a free trial available?

We do not offer a free trial at the moment, but our monthly subscription plans (except country plans) have a 15-day money-back guarantee.*

Terms and conditions apply, please read about our money-back policy below.

02 What is your money back guarantee?

In the first 15 days of your first purchase, if you don’t like the service or don’t find it useful anymore you can request a full refund and we’ll give it to you straight away.

This only applies if you are first time subscriber and you have not unlocked for more than 2 regions.

03 How do I schedule a demo?

As of the moment, we don't offer demo.

05 How can I familiarize on short-term rental lingo?

Check out our Vacation rental glossary for basic explanations of dozens of need-to-know investing and hosting terms. https://airbtics.com/vacation-rental-glossary/

06 Do you provide sample files for assessing available data before purchasing?

Yes, after signing up, you can click "View Demo Market" located at the upper right to download a sample CSV file of The City of Brighton and Hove.

07 What's The Difference Between Your Platform And Others?

We offer dynamic data updates—allowing you to drag your mouse, zoom in and out of the map where data is updated in real-time.

The revenue heatmap shows where demand and money are concentrated. Simple indication: the redder the dots, the more profits lie.

Our custom market feature enables you to define your own territory, submarket, or neighborhood.

Additionally, we provide a monthly payment plan with 15-day money back guarantee subject to terms and condition for user flexibility.



01 How do I create my own custom market?

Here’s 3-Easy Steps on How to Create a Custom Market: https://airbtics.com/how-to-create-a-custom-market/

04 I subscribed to a wrong region.

If you subscribed to a region by mistake, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

05 How do I change my location?

You can change your location by typing in your desired region name on the search bar above our dashboard.

06 I can’t find some Airbnb listings​.

Some Airbnb listings may not show in the dashboard due to the following reasons:

1) The dashboard does not include listings added in the past four months.

2) The dashboard does not include the listings that appear to be inactive. This can mean that the listing's calendar is marked as unavailable by the host.

3) We only have about 90% of Airbnb listings in our database.

Due to some technical limitations, there are some listings that we simply failed to scrape & are not yet existing in our database. We currently have 90% of Airbnb listings and are consistently doing our utmost effort to increase this rate.

07 How to change currency displayed in dashboard

Go to App

Click the Abbreviated First & Last Name in the Upper Right

Then Choose your desired currency.

09 How many days is the expiry of my monthly subscription?

Expiry date is 30 days after your subscription date.

11 Something is wrong, but I don’t know what!

As we continually introduce new features to assist hosts, owners, and rental professionals in optimizing their businesses, occasional bugs may occur. Please reach out to us through the chat icon in the upper right or send us an email at [email protected]



01 How accurate is the data?

Airbtics is dedicated to providing the most accurate data available in the market. Through the application of data science and machine learning algorithms, we train our various classifiers to consistently improve our data’s accuracy.

In addition to this, we make predictions based on Airbnb’s total revenue and it is 97% correlated with Airbnb’s official statement.

02 How do you determine if a listing is active or inactive?

An algorithm will classify whether a listing was active or not during the month. We look into three different sources, namely:

1. Calendar pattern;
2. Whether a review was generated close to the month or not; and
3. Listing information.

A listing can be determined entirely available or not.

03 How is revenue calculated?

Revenue is calculated using the following equation:

revenue = (reservation_days * adr) + (cleaning_fees*number_of_reservation)

On a side note, if we don’t have the information about the number of monthly reservations, we assume it to be 1.

04 How is occupancy rate calculated?

When calculating the occupancy rate, we take a few things into consideration:

Calendar scraped data (mostly on a weekly basis)
Assume last-minute booking
The inactivity algorithm can affect this too

If we determine an inactive listing, the occupancy rate will be 0.

05 How often is data updated?

The Investment Dashboard is updated every month. While the Pricing/CompSet Dashboard is updated every Wednesdays.

06 How do you get the data?​

Airbtics’ primary data source is attained through a web scraping software that directly takes data points from Airbnb. We also have secondary data sources from Airbnb hosts via iCal or vacation rental managers.



01 How do I unsubscribe?

You can unsubscribe by going to your avatar as seen on the top right bar of the dashboard at app.airbtics.com, selecting settings, and clicking unsubscribe.

02 Refund Policy and Requests

You can ask for a refund by contacting us at [email protected].

Note: Please make sure your request for refund meets our money back guarantee policy as explained in the General FAQ section above.

03 Can you delete my account?

If you would like to delete your account, please contact us at [email protected].

04 I was charge twice/duplicate

If you find duplicate billing, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

05 I'm charge with different currency

Customers can only make payments in the currency of the country where they signed up in our app. Please note that there is no way to change the currency for payments. For example your location was in US when signed up, you will be charge in US dollars.



01 How to Calculate ROI on a Rental Property?

02 How to Find Profitable Airbnb Markets on Airbtics?

03 Get Data From Your Own Custom Market

04 How to Analyze a Market using Dynamic Data?

05 Picking the best rental property for rental arbitrage


Why Airbtics?

01 Airbnb Rental Arbitrage Market Research 101

Here’s the objective of this blog: To build a property search filter to accurately identify high-return rental arbitrage properties repeatedly. Being able to identify the right opportunities will help you…
Read the article ...

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Learn Airbtics in 7 Minutes

Revenue and market analysis Tips and Best Practices!
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