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Where Students Can Rent Accommodation While Travelling?

Where Students Can Rent Accommodation While Travelling?

Rent Accommodation While Travelling

Traveling opens the door to incredible adventures, immersing you in new places and cultures. But there’s one obstacle that every adventurer must conquer: finding accommodation! Whether it’s a short vacation stay or a longer school break, students need to know where to look. In this blog post, we’ll explore various ways for students to rent accommodation while travelling, ensuring a seamless journey from one location to another. So pack your bags and let’s dive in!

But first off…Not sure where to?

Traveling and studying can be an amazing experience, but it’s hard to know where to start. If you’re there, read on! 

Luckily, Eduzaurus is an excellent resource for students searching for inspiration. With a collection of essays from fellow students, you can read about their summer break travels and gain insight into what makes a destination unique on eduzaurus.com website. It’s always helpful to hear firsthand accounts from other like-minded individuals who have been there and done that. So go ahead and explore this website to find travel essays that speak to you. You might just discover your next adventure!

Understanding the Different Accommodation Options for Students Travelling 

As a student getting ready for a trip, it’s important to think about where you’ll be staying. Good thing that there are plenty of options to choose from! Here are four popular accommodation choices for students on the go.

1. Hostels– These budget-friendly options offer a place to sleep along with opportunities to meet other travelers. 

2. Hotels– Usually a bit more expensive, hotels provide a comfortable and private space to rest after a long day of exploring. 

3. Airbnb– If you’re looking for a homey and unique experience, Airbnb may be the way to go. You can rent an apartment or house that allows you to live like a local. 

4. Couchsurfing– For the truly adventurous, Couchsurfing connects travelers with local hosts who offer a free place to stay. While this option may not be for everyone, it’s a great way to meet new people and engage in cultural exchange.

Exploring Short-Term Accommodation Options 

As a student, we often find ourselves on the move, looking for new experiences and opportunities to grow. Short-term accommodation options provide plenty of advantages for those who are keen to explore what the world has to offer. Whether it’s for a summer internship or a semester abroad, a shorter stay can be an excellent way to get a taste of a new place without committing to a long-term lease or contract. It’s also an excellent opportunity to meet new people, as short-term housing options are often designed for students, young professionals, and other like-minded individuals seeking adventure and personal growth. In short, trying out short-term accommodation options is a great way to broaden your horizons, explore new possibilities, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Benefits of Long-Term Rentals – Subletting and Student Housing 

Long-term rentals can be a great option for students for a variety of reasons. Here are three benefits of opting for a long-term rental.

1. Consistency. Knowing where you’ll be living for the next year (or longer) can provide peace of mind and help you create a routine. With a long-term rental, you won’t have to worry about finding a new place to live every few months.

2. Cost-effectiveness. Long-term rentals usually offer lower monthly rates than short-term rentals. This means you can save money while still having a comfortable and reliable place to live. 

3. Subletting options. If you choose to sublet your rental, you can earn some extra cash during times that you’ll be away from your home base (such as summer break). This can help offset the cost of rent and living expenses. Overall, long-term rentals can be an excellent way for students to establish a home base while in school and enjoy the flexibility and financial benefits.

How to Find the Right Accommodation for Your Needs 

Here are a few key things to keep in mind to help you find a place that meets your needs. First, consider your budget and what you can comfortably afford. Don’t forget to factor in other expenses like bills and groceries. Second, think about the location and its proximity to your university or public transportation. This will make your daily commute much easier. Finally, make a list of must-have amenities, like a private bathroom or a study space. Keep these three things in mind when searching for accommodation, and you’ll be sure to find a place that is both affordable and meets your needs.

Tips for Saving Money on Rent When Travelling 

When traveling, it’s important to allocate your money wisely to ensure that you make the most of your trip. One of the best ways to cut back on expenses is to save money on rent. 

Tip number one. Opt for a homestay instead of a hotel as this will allow you to save on lodging by choosing to live with a local family. 

Tip number two. Take advantage of sharing economy platforms such as Airbnb or HomeAway. These peer-to-peer services allow you to find affordable accommodations while still experiencing the local culture. 

Tip number three. Plan your trip during the off-season when the prices are significantly reduced, giving you a chance to save big on rent.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Renting Accommodation While 

Make sure you read the listing thoroughly, paying attention to details like location, amenities, and house rules. It’s also important to communicate with the host before booking, asking any questions you may have. Finally, always check reviews from previous guests to get an accurate idea of what to expect. 


Accommodation can be a tricky thing for students to figure out when traveling. But with the right knowledge and research, you can find the perfect housing option. Make sure you respect the above advice and you should be golden! 

Where Students Can Rent Accommodation While Travelling?

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