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Mejores Zonas para Airbnb en México: Dónde invertir en bienes raíces en CDMX en 2023?

mejores zonas para airbnb en ciudad de mexico

Métricas clave

Ciudad de México es un centro económico líder en América Latina que ofrece un mercado inmobiliario atractivo y una vasta industria turística. Gracias a esto, muchos anfitriones de Airbnb pueden generar buenas ganancias por alquiler.

Descubre las ventajas que tiene los inversionistas inmobiliarios al invertir en el mercado inmobiliario de la Ciudad de México.

Te listamos las 10 zonas más rentables de CDMX junto con sus tipos de propiedades recomendadas, precios promedio y datos específicos de Airbnb.


Enclavada en el Valle de México se encuentra la capital y ciudad más grande de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, la Ciudad de México. La ciudad es uno de los centros económicos más importantes de América Latina, así como un concurrido destino turístico.

CDMX posee impresionantes recursos naturales, una importante riqueza cultural, importantes patrimonios históricos y, por supuesto, una de las gastronomías más deliciosas del mundo. Gracias a la estable situación financiera, el sólido mercado turístico y la llegada de nómadas digitales a la ciudad, el mercado de alquiler en la Ciudad de México se mantiene fuerte.

Además, el Gobierno de la Ciudad de México esta colaborando con Airbnb y la UNESCO para posicionar a la ciudad como la Capital del Turismo Creativo y también como un centro global para trabajadores remotos.

Aún así, hay un factor importante que debes considerar antes de dar el siguiente paso: ¿Dónde están las mejores zonas para invertir en bienes raíces en la Ciudad de México?

En este artículo, te revelamos las mejores zonas para Airbnb en la Ciudad de México. También te mencionamos algunas de las expectativas que puedes tener si consideras invertir en inmuebles en esta ciudad. Ansioso por aprender más? Entonces debes seguir leyendo!

¿Por qué deberías considerar invertir en bienes raíces en México DF?

Comprar propiedades de inversión en la Ciudad de México es una forma ingeniosa de pavimentar un camino que te dirija a la libertad financiera ya que ofrece un buen retorno. México tiene un impresionante patrimonio cultural y un fascinante legado histórico. Pero aparte de eso, ¿cuáles son las ventajas que ofrece CDMX a los inversionistas inmobiliarios?

Conoce algunas de las razones por las que invertir en inmuebles en la Ciudad de México puede considerarse es un plan rentable:

  • Centro económico de primer orden

La CDMX es un importante centro económico en México y el resto de América Latina, contribuyendo con más del 15% al PIB del país. La ciudad es el hogar de una variedad de corporaciones importantes en varios sectores y también es considerada como la mejor ciudad de América Central para nuevas empresas .

La Ciudad de México concentra la mayoría de las empresas nacionales importantes y las organizaciones internacionales también tienen su sede aquí. Esto permite que la ciudad tenga un mercado laboral fuerte con una amplia variedad de oportunidades de empleo. Esto incluye los sectores de servicios, manufactura, comercio, agricultura, producción de energía, turismo y finanzas.

  • Tiene un mercado inmobiliario atractivo

La Ciudad de México ofrece una amplia variedad de opciones de vivienda con diferentes rangos de precios que van desde los 1,200,000 MXN ($66,274) hasta los 15,000,000 MXN ($828,427). La ciudad disfruta de una economía robusta con un mercado laboral saludable y un crecimiento demográfico favorable. Gracias a ello, el sector inmobiliario y el mercado del alquiler se mantienen fuertes.

Si eres un inversor extranjero interesado en este mercado inmobiliario, debes saber que es totalmente legal comprar un inmueble en la Ciudad de México. Sin embargo, está prohibido ser propietario  de viviendas localizadas en zonas restringidas (áreas cercanas a la costa o fronteras nacionales) a menos que lo compres a través de un Fideicomiso.

  • Hay un montón de cosas que hacer

Estás buscando emocionantes eventos deportivos, culturales o artísticos? Porque te gustará saber que la Ciudad de México es el epicentro de una gran variedad de festivales de renombre como el Día de Muertos!

Como una de las ciudades más visitadas del mundo, la Ciudad de México puede satisfacer todos los gustos. Desde un rico patrimonio cultural e histórico hasta una extraordinaria escena artística y gastronómica. De hecho, todos podemos estar de acuerdo en que CMDX es un paraíso para los amantes de la comida, ya que posee una de las cocinas más exquisitas. Además de excepcionales restaurantes, también encontrarás museos, teatros, galerías de arte y lugares emblemáticos.

Es rentable un establecimiento de Airbnb en la Ciudad de México?

Quieres saber si invertir en bienes raíces en la Ciudad de México podría darte una experiencia financieramente gratificante? La respuesta es sí! Dicho esto, debemos señalar que el nivel de rentabilidad depende de otros factores, como el tipo de propiedad y la ubicación.

Según los datos de Airbtics, un anfitrión de Airbnb puede generar una ganancia anual promedio de $15,517 (281,837 MXN) con una tasa de ocupación del 76% por operar una propiedad de 2 habitaciones en el centro de la Ciudad de México.

mejores zonas para airbnb mexico

Las mejores zonas para invertir en Airbnb en la Ciudad de México

CDMX es la ciudad más grande de México y está dividida en 15 municipios, que a su vez están subdivididas en más de 300 colonias. Por lo cual es comprensible si es que tienes dificultades al momento de elegir la zona para establecer tu propiedad de alquiler en la Ciudad de México.

Echa un vistazo a las mejores ubicaciones para inversiones inmobiliarias en la Ciudad de México:

1. Colonia Condesa
  • Cantidad de establecimientos de Airbnb: 739
  • Tipo de propiedad recomendada: 2 dormitorios
  • Precio promedio de propiedad (2 dormitorios): $320,703 (5,800,000 MXN)
  • Ingresos anuales de Airbnb: $30,680 (555,510 MXN)
  • Rendimiento bruto del alquiler: 9.6%
2. Polanco
  • Cantidad de establecimientos de Airbnb: 640
  • Tipo de propiedad recomendada: 2 dormitorios
  • Precio medio de propiedad (2 dormitorios): $439,584 (7,950,000 MXN)
  • Ingresos anuales de Airbnb: $27,769 (502,924 MXN)
  • Rentabilidad bruta del alquiler: 6.3%
3. Roma
  • Cantidad de establecimientos de Airbnb: 2,281
  • Tipo de propiedad recomendada: 2 dormitorios
  • Precio promedio de propiedad (2 dormitorios): $287,527 (5,200,000 MXN)
  • Ingresos anuales de Airbnb: $27,749 (502,562 MXN)
  • Rendimiento bruto del alquiler: 9.7%
4. Juárez
  • Cantidad de establecimientos de Airbnb: 963
  • Tipo de propiedad recomendada: 2 dormitorios
  • Precio promedio de propiedad (2 recámaras): $232,233 (4,200,000 MXN)
  • Ingresos anuales de Airbnb: $19,421 (351,734 MXN)
  • Rentabilidad bruta del alquiler: 8.4%
5. Nápoles
  • Cantidad de establecimientos de Airbnb: 380
  • Tipo de propiedad recomendada: 2 dormitorios
  • Precio medio de propiedad (2 dormitorios): $237,762 (4,300,000 MXN)
  • Ingresos anuales de Airbnb: $18,827 (340,976 MXN)
  • Rendimiento bruto del alquiler: 8%
6. Doctores
  • Cantidad de establecimientos de Airbnb: 194
  • Tipo de propiedad recomendada: 1 dormitorio
  • Precio promedio de propiedad (1 dormitorio): $87,364 (1,580,000 MXN)
  • Ingresos anuales de Airbnb: $17,108 (309,843 MXN)
  • Rendimiento bruto del alquiler: 19.6%
7. San Rafael
  • Cantidad de establecimientos de Airbnb: 193
  • Tipo de propiedad recomendada: 2 dormitorios
  • Precio promedio de propiedad (2 dormitorios): $182,469 (3,300,000 MXN)
  • Ingresos anuales de Airbnb: $16,359 (296,278 MXN)
  • Rendimiento bruto del alquiler: 9%
8. Centro, Ciudad de México
  • Cantidad de establecimientos de Airbnb: 1,036
  • Tipo de propiedad recomendada: 1 dormitorio
  • Precio promedio de propiedad (1 dormitorio): $150,399 (2,720,000 MXN)
  • Ingresos anuales de Airbnb: $14,061 (254,597 MXN)
  • Rentabilidad bruta del alquiler: 9.4%
9. Col del Valle Centro
  • Cantidad de establecimientos de Airbnb: 238
  • Tipo de propiedad recomendada: 2 dormitorios
  • Precio medio de propiedad (2 dormitorios): $212,880 (3,850,000 MXN)
  • Ingresos anuales de Airbnb: $13,064 (236,602 MXN)
  • Rentabilidad bruta del alquiler: 6.1%
10. Del Carmen
  • Cantidad de establecimientos de Airbnb: 268
  • Tipo de propiedad recomendada: 1 dormitorio
  • Precio promedio de propiedad (1 dormitorio): $176,663 (3,195,000 MXN)
  • Ingresos anuales de Airbnb: $11,756 (212,913 MXN)
  • Rentabilidad bruta del alquiler: 6.7%


En general, el mercado inmobiliario de CDMX ofrece una variedad de opciones de vivienda, precios y muchas ubicaciones rentables que pueden ayudar a los inversionistas a obtener un buen retorno de la inversión al establecer un listado de Airbnb.

Después de descubrir los mejores lugares para Airbnb en la Ciudad de México, debes seguir adelante! Utiliza el estimador de ganancias de Airbnb de Airbtics y destaca entre tus competidores mientras maximizas tu rentabilidad mejorando tus estrategias!

Explora más zonas rentables en Ciudad de México

Airbnb Investment All About Airbnb

Best Places to Airbnb in Mexico: A Guide to Real Estate Investment in CDMX

best places to airbnb in mexico

Key Takeaways

Mexico City is a leading economic hub in Latin America that offers an attractive real estate market and a solid tourist market. Thanks to this, many Airbnb hosts can earn a good passive income by owning short-term rental properties. 

• Discover the advantages that real estate investors can enjoy when investing in the real estate market in Mexico City.

• Get to know the top 10 most profitable areas in Mexico City along with their recommended property types, average prices, and specific Airbnb data. 


Nestled in the Valley of Mexico lies the capital and largest city of the United Mexican States, Mexico City, also known as CDMX. The city is one of the most important economic centers in Latin America as well as a bustling tourist destination.

Mexico City is home to impressive natural resources, rich culture, important heritage sites, and of course, one of the most delicious cuisines in the world. Thanks to the stable financial situation, solid tourist market, and the arrival of digital nomads to the city, the rental market in Mexico City remains strong.

Furthermore, the Mexico City Government is working alongside Airbnb and UNESCO to position the city as a global hub for remote workers and develop its experiences as the Capital of Creative Tourism.

Still, there’s an important factor that you should consider before taking the next step in your journey – where are the most profitable areas for real estate investments in Mexico City? 

In this article, we’ll reveal the best places to Airbnb in Mexico City and some of the expectations when investing in real estate around this location. Eager to learn more? Continue reading!

Why should you consider owning a rental property in Mexico City?

Buying investment properties in Mexico City is an amazing way to build your path toward financial freedom because it offers a good return to investors. Mexico has an impressive cultural heritage and a rich historical background. But aside from that, what are the advantages that CDMX offers to real estate investors? 

Check out some of the reasons why buying real estate in Mexico City is a profitable idea:

  • Leading economic hub

CDMX is an important economic hub in Mexico and the rest of Latin America, contributing over 15% to the country’s GDP. The city is home to a variety of major corporations across various sectors and is also regarded as the best city in Central America for startups

Mexico City concentrates most of the important national companies and international organizations are also headquartered here. This allows the city to have a strong job market with a wide variety of employment opportunities. This includes the services, manufacturing, commerce, agriculture, energy production, tourism, and financial sectors.

  • Attractive real estate market

Mexico City offers a wide variety of housing options with different price ranges that go from 1,200,000MXN ($66,274) to 15,000,000MXN ($828,427). The city enjoys a robust  economy with a healthy labor market and steady population growth. Thanks to this, the real estate sector and the rental market remain strong. 

If you’re a foreigner eyeing this rental market, you should know that is perfectly legal to buy an investment property in Mexico City. However, it’s prohibited to own properties in restricted zones (areas close to the coast or national borders) unless you purchase it through Fideicomiso. 

  • Plenty of things to do

Looking for exciting sporting, cultural, or artistic events? Because you will love to learn that Mexico City is an epicenter for a plethora of renowned festivals such as the Day of the Dead! 

As one of the most visited cities worldwide, Mexico City can cater to everyone’s taste! From rich cultural and historical heritage to an extraordinary arts and cuisine scene. In fact, we can all agree that CMDX is indeed a foodie’s paradise since it owns one of the most exquisite gastronomies. Aside from magnificent restaurants, there’s also no lack of museums, theaters, art galleries, and iconic landmarks.

Is Airbnb Profitable in Mexico City?

Are you wondering if investing in real estate in Mexico City could eventually lead you to a financially rewarding experience? The answer is yes! That being said, we must point out that the level of profitability depends on other factors such as your property type and location.

Based on Airbtics’ data, an Airbnb host can expect an average annual revenue of $15,517 (281,837 MXN) and a median occupancy rate of 76% for operating a 2-bedroom property in Centro, Mexico City.

best places to airbnb in mexico

Best Places to Invest in Real Estate in Mexico City

CDMX is the largest city in Mexico and is divided into 15 municipalities, which in turn include over 300 neighborhoods. Hence, it’s understandable if you’re struggling to choose the best place to set up your rental property in Mexico City.

Check out the best places to invest in rental properties in Mexico City and are recommended for starting an Airbnb business:

1. Colonia Condesa
  • Total Number of Airbnb Listings: 739
  • Best bedroom size: 2 bedrooms
  • Median property price (2 bedrooms): $320,703 (5,800,000 MXN)
  • Airbnb Annual revenue: $30,680 (555,510 MXN)
  • Gross rental yield: 9.6%
2. Polanco
  • Total Number of Airbnb Listings: 640
  • Best bedroom size: 2 bedrooms
  • Median property price (2 bedrooms): $439,584 (7,950,000 MXN)
  • Airbnb Annual revenue: $27,769 (502,924 MXN)
  • Gross rental yield: 6.3%
3. Roma
  • Total Number of Airbnb Listings: 2,281
  • Best bedroom size: 2 bedrooms
  • Median property price (2 bedrooms): $287,527 (5,200,000 MXN)
  • Airbnb Annual revenue: $27,749 (502,562 MXN)
  • Gross rental yield: 9.7%
4. Juarez
  • Total Number of Airbnb Listings: 963
  • Best bedroom size: 2 bedrooms
  • Median property price (2 bedrooms): $232,233 (4,200,000 MXN)
  • Airbnb Annual revenue: $19,421 (351,734 MXN)
  • Gross rental yield: 8.4%
5. Napoles
  • Total Number of Airbnb Listings: 380
  • Best bedroom size: 2 bedrooms
  • Median property price (2 bedrooms): $237,762 (4,300,000 MXN)
  • Airbnb Annual revenue: $18,827 (340,976 MXN)
  • Gross rental yield: 8%
6. Doctores
  • Total Number of Airbnb Listings: 194
  • Best bedroom size: 1 bedroom
  • Median property price (1 bedroom): $87,364 (1,580,000 MXN)
  • Airbnb Annual revenue: $17,108 (309,843 MXN)
  • Gross rental yield: 19.6%
7. San Rafael
  • Total Number of Airbnb Listings: 193
  • Best bedroom size: 2 bedrooms
  • Median property price (2 bedrooms): $182,469 (3,300,000 MXN)
  • Airbnb Annual revenue: $16,359 (296,278 MXN)
  • Gross rental yield: 9%
8. Centro, Mexico City
  • Total Number of Airbnb Listings: 1,036
  • Best bedroom size: 1 bedroom
  • Median property price (1 bedroom): $150,399 (2,720,000 MXN)
  • Airbnb Annual revenue: $14,061 (254,597 MXN)
  • Gross rental yield: 9,4%
9. Del Valle Centro
  • Total Number of Airbnb Listings: 238
  • Best bedroom size: 2 bedrooms
  • Median property price (2 bedrooms): $212,880 (3,850,000 MXN)
  • Airbnb Annual revenue: $13,064 (236,602 MXN)
  • Gross rental yield: 6.1%
10. Del Carmen
  • Total Number of Airbnb Listings: 268
  • Best bedroom size: 1 bedroom
  • Median property price (1 bedroom): $176,663 (3,195,000 MXN)
  • Airbnb Annual revenue: $11,756 (212,913 MXN)
  • Gross rental yield: 6.7%


Overall, CDMX’s real estate market offers a variety of housing options, prices, and plenty of profitable locations that can help investors to obtain a good return on investment by setting up an Airbnb listing. 

After finding out the best places to Airbnb in Mexico City, go ahead and check Airbtics’  Airbnb profit estimator. Stand out among your competitors and maximize your profitability by improving your strategies!

Airbnb Investment All About Airbnb

Airbnb Investment Profitability: Homes for sale in Mexico City, MX

Airbnb Investment Profitability: Homes for sale in Mexico City, MX: Discover Airbnb investment profitability in Mexico City this 2023 – and homes for sale: from studio to a property of 1,2,3, and 4+ bedrooms!

airbnb homes for sale Mexico City

Discover Airbnb investment profitability in Mexico City this 2023 – and homes for sale: from studio to a property of 1,2,3, and 4+ bedrooms!

The capital of the United Mexican States, Mexico City, also known as CDMX, has a lot to offer to people with its vibrant modern as well as historical environment.

Mexico City has a great diversity of natural resources, and a rich cultural and historical heritage and we cannot also forget to mention its exquisite cuisine is praised worldwide. It is a tourist destination for excellence and in fact, according to El Economista, in 2021, Mexico welcomed close to 7M tourist arrivals!

CDMX is one of the top short-term rental markets in Mexico, this information can be of great help to investors that are still wondering if they should invest in this city or not. 

According to Idealista, the city of Mexico has a gross rental yield of 6.34% and for this, it is considered one of the top rental markets in Latin America. Among CDMX’s most profitable districts, we can find Reforma Pensil (14.2%) and Argentina Antigua (12.5%).

airbnb homes for sale Mexico City

Source: Inmuebles24


“Mexico City is constantly experiencing the resurgence of some areas that, due to their privileged location, close to workplaces, schools and shops, are an excellent option to invest in real estate since they are ready to emerge, as has happened with several fashionable districts within the city, increasing its value considerably.”

– Grupo Orve

Aside from looking at a property’s fascinating architectural design, proximity to major tourist areas, and accessibility to the best go-to places, the primary step is to determine profitability. In this article, we’ll discuss the metrics in order to gauge the best property investment in Mexico City. 

This includes the best website recommendations for property investment, defining property gross rental yield, cash-on-cash return, and annual revenue, along with some of the most ideal and profitable properties according to their location. Stoked to learn more? Continue reading!

Best Neighborhoods for Airbnb in Mexico City

Let’s take a closer look at the important Airbnb key metrics to discover which is the most profitable zone in Mexico City. Filtered for a 1-bedroom apartment, here is a brief overview of some of the most recommended areas in CDMX:

1. Roma
  • Annual revenue: $18,822 (371,649 MXN approx.)
  • Average daily rate: $63
  • Occupancy rate: 88%
2. Colonia Condesa
  • Annual revenue: $22,123 (43,6829 MXN approx.)
  • Average daily rate: $74
  • Occupancy rate: 87%
3. San Rafael
  • Annual revenue: $10,973 (216,667 MXN approx.)
  • Average daily rate: $41
  • Occupancy rate: 77%

Is Property Investment Profitable in Mexico City?

Using a short-term rental calculator, it was discovered that a 2-bedroom apartment in Mexico City can generate an annual revenue of $27,434 (around 541,591 MXN) with a steady occupancy rate of 89% and a nightly rate of $72.

airbnb homes for sale Mexico City

Profitable Homes & Apartments for sale in Mexico City

Finding the best properties that have the potential to produce high yields and capital growth are certainly some of the preferences of major investors. It’s always best to ask for assistance from real estate agents to access exclusive and unique properties during the development stage. 

At the same time, it’s even better when a property investor like you conducts research about predicted growths and market forecasts. Here are some of the profitable properties in Mexico City along with the calculated gross rental yield, cash-on-cash return, and annual revenue:

airbnb homes for sale Mexico City
airbnb homes for sale Mexico City

Mexico City

1. Studio-type Property for Sale Mexico City
  • Located in the North Zone of the City of Merida
  • Asking Price: $62,765
airbnb homes for sale Mexico City
airbnb homes for sale Mexico City

Tecamac, State of Mexico

2. 1-Bedroom Property for Sale Mexico City
  • A few steps away we find the Boulevard Jardines
  • Asking Price: $28,767
airbnb homes for sale Mexico City
3-Bedroom Mexico City

Mexico City

3. 2-Bedroom Property for Sale Mexico City
  •  Near Volkswagen Industrial Park FINSA Puebla Sanctorum
  • Asking Price: $41,853
3-Bedroom Mexico City
3-Bedroom Mexico City

Mexico City

4. 3-Bedroom Property for Sale Mexico City
  • 10 minutes from the center of the City of Queretaro
  • Asking Price: $94,148
4-Bedroom Mexico City

Mexico City

5. 4-Bedroom Property for Sale Mexico City
  • Located in  Ejército de Oriente
  • Asking Price: $112,454


Since Airbnb is rapidly increasing and constantly changing for each city in the world, it is crucial to make decisions based on wild guesses. The data points mentioned in this article for Mexico City such as Airbnb occupancy rates, annual revenue, and average daily rate should be the primary basis before investing in a property. 

To make sure that a property can generate a good cash flow, the right neighborhood should be studied and potential revenue should be calculated using an Airbnb income calculator. This is certainly what you need for success in the long run and to stand out among your competitors!

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Short-Term Rental Data
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Airbnb Occupancy All About Airbnb

Airbnb Occupancy Rates in Mexico + Top 5 Cities & Neighborhoods!

Are you looking forward to investing in an Airbnb business in a country with the sweetest Caribbean climate? MEXICO!

You may have heard about this country’s tasty authentic Mexican cuisine and numerous historical culture, but there’s just so much more to know! Aside from the fact that Aztec & Mayan sites have been declared UNESCO World Heritage sites, you can also find the most exciting top tourist attractions in Mexico to add these in your travel bucket list!

Popular for its strong indigenous heritage, Mexico also offers a vibrant modern culture filled with history, art, religion & film!  The recent Tourism in Mexico has declared a total number of $35 million international visitors in 2021 & a 56% average occupancy rate in one of their biggest cities. 

In this article, we will compare the occupancy rates in the biggest Mexican cities and discuss the endless possibilities & reasons why Mexico might be the perfect place to start an Airbnb business. Without further ado, let’s dive in!

mexico cities occupancy rates
mexican cities airbnb daily rates 2022

Here is a general overview of the median daily rate of the 5 cities in Mexico in April 2022.

In order to come up with accurate data of the respective cities in Mexico, we utilized the Airbtics data analytics tool and filtered the listings into 1 bed / 1 bath Apartment (Condo). Check out the following rates in the biggest cities in Mexico:

Ciudad de México:

Occupancy Rate: 44%

Median Daily Rate: $68

Average Monthly Revenue: $935


Occupancy Rate: 43%

Median Daily Rate: $49

Average Monthly Revenue: $680


Occupancy Rate: 42%

Median Daily Rate: $47

Average Monthly Revenue: $643


Occupancy Rate: 30%

Median Daily Rate: $44

Average Monthly Revenue: $364


Occupancy Rate: 47%

Median Daily Rate: $79

Average Monthly Revenue: $1,172

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Airbnb is legal in Mexico - with strict compliance to rules & regulations. Although the Mexican government is generally open to foreign portfolio investments, there are also restrictions on foreign investments in Mexico.

Typically, the months of September to November are the peak seasons in Mexico with an average of 53% occupancy rate.

According to Airbtics' Data, the average daily rate in Mexico City is $68 for 1 bed / 1 bath apartment (condo) & $59 for studio-type rooms.

As of April 2022, the city of Cancún has the highest occupancy rate of 47%.

Based on our in-depth research, if you are looking forward to maximizing your monthly revenue in Mexico, the city of Cancún is ranked 1st on our list. Aside from its high occupancy rate of 47%, you can also earn an average of $1,172 per month!

According to Airbnb, here are some of the popular amenities that you might want to consider having in your business:

- Fully-equipped kitchen

- Reliable Wi-Fi

- An outdoor pool

- Free parking on premises

- Air conditioning

If you're looking for a more detailed description of Airbnb amenities, check out the top amenities that all Airbnb hosts must have this 2022!

Unfortunately, yes,  you have to. Although property taxes in Mexico vary throughout the country, you are required to pay property taxes if:

-  you own a property in Mexico;

- earn an income from renting your home to others;

- and if you are selling your investment property in Mexico.

RFC  - also known as the Registro Federal de Contribuyentes, is a Mexican tax ID number that is required for foreign investors. According to Mexico Newsletter, you will be taxed 20% if you don't have an RFC but you can apply for this without the need of becoming a resident of Mexico.

If you have already registered for Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) to pay for your income taxes in Mexico, you have to submit your annual tax return by April 30th of the following year.

Learn more about the requirements for Mexico Airbnb hosts here.

To comply with your tax obligations, here are the five steps that you have to follow:

  1. Register as a taxpayer before the SAT & process your RFC.
  2. Update your economic activities & tax obligations in the RFC.
  3. Select your preferred taxation method.
  4. Register your RFC on the Airbnb platform.
  5. Fulfill your obligations to declare, issue invoices & keep accounts.

And voila! You can also learn more information about this on the Airbnb Tax Resource Center in Mexico.

According to our Airbtics calculator, the city of Cancún has the highest occupancy rates in Mexico and an Airbnb host can make an annual revenue of $14,052.

how much can you make on airbnb

Top 5 Cities in Mexico & Most Recommended Neighborhoods

Ciudad de México

One of the most interesting facts about Mexico City is that it was built on an artificial island in the middle of the lake, therefore, it is sinking every year because of a phenomenon called ‘subsidence’. The tourism statistics in Mexico stated that Mexico City has recorded a remarkable surge of tourists arrivals in 2021.

From strolling through the city’s historic center, you can also see Frida Kahlo’s house & museum, visit some of the iconic churches like the cathedral Metropolitana, take photos at the Chapultepec Castle and taste the authentic Mexican food, of course!

While there are a lot of exciting things to do in Mexico City, here are some of the most recommended neighborhoods that you can consider investing in:

  • For sightseeing & budget travelers: Historic Centre
  • For bohemian & artsy travelers: Condesa
  • For luxurious & exclusive neighborhood: Polanco
mexico city airbnb
  • For nightlife & most gay-friendly neighborhood: Zona Rosa
  • For first time visitors: Paseo de La Reforma
  • For modern areas & shopping: Santa Fe

Here are some of the best neighborhoods in Cancún that you might want to check out:

  • For sightseeing: Middle Hotel Zone, El Centro
  • For families: Riviera Cancún
  • For first-time visitors: North, Middle & South Hotel Zone
  • For an outdoor water experience: Punta Cancun


The Acapulco of Mexico’s Gulf Coast, Cancún, is best-known for its white sand beaches and exciting nightlife. Because of its fascinating tourist experience, this city is also a known destination for university students during their spring break period.

Oh and let’s not forget the most important acknowledgement in Cancún City – it is the second most visited destination in the world for 2021!

Relatively, the Tourism officials in Quintana Roo have recorded over 12.5 million visitors in 2021 and are already expecting 6 million tourists in the first four months of 2022.

The majority of tourists can seize their travel by trying the best activities in Cancun such as snorkeling, tripping to Chichen Itza, visiting the Mayan Museum to learn about Mexico’s most treasured history, and so many more!


If you’re looking for world-class cuisine in Mexico, you’re in luck! This particular city is best known as the gastronomic capital in Mexico with candy-colored buildings.

While food is being highly prioritized during trips, there are lots of fun things to do in Oaxaca such as visiting the Cultural Museum of Oaxaca, enjoying the festivals (Day of the Dead Celebration), and going shopping for souvenirs at the Mercado 20 de Noviembre!

Check out the following list of neighborhoods which will serve as your guide to the best ones in Oaxaca:

  • For exploring restaurants: La Noria
  • For nightlife: Santo Domingo
  • For first-time visitors: Centro
oaxaca mexico airbnb rates
mexico airbnb guadalajara occupancy rates

Let’s discuss the compelling neighborhoods of Guadalajara:

  • For sightseeing: Downtown or Tlaquepaque
  • For shopping: Downtown Mercado
  • For food and restaurants: Colonia Americana
  • For nightlife & music: Avenida Chapultepec & Zapopan


This second-largest city in Mexico is the capital of the state of Jalisco, located in the western part of the country and is home to no other than – TEQUILA! 

With this city’s unique architecture and compelling activities, the top-rated tourist attractions in Guadalajara have increased their chances of being primed for a tourism boom.

While this city provides a rare European vibe, it is also a center of mariachi music, popular folk dance, and they have globally renowned cultural events such as international film festivals and book fairs. 

In addition to this, there are must-see places in Guadalajara for travelers with families. They can visit the famous Nuestros Dulces candy factory in Tlaquepaque, have outdoor activities at the ZooLogico Y Safari, or be thrilled with rides at Natural Adventure Fun park. 

puebla mexico 2022


A viceregal-era planned city, Puebla is located in East-Central Mexico and it has the most magical towns that one shouldn’t miss!

Aside from their expertise in handicrafts and gastronomy, this city also offers its visitors to go back in time and see the old quarters of Puebla. Some of the best things to do in Puebla are riding the ferris wheel in Estrella de Puebla, traveling to grab drinks with friends in Barrio las Artistas, or joining a Lucha Libre (Mexican wrestling) tour!

Finally, here are some of the hot neighborhoods that you might want to consider for your business:

  • For sightseeing: Centro Historico
  • For nightlife: Colonia Lafayette
  • For travelers with families: Barrio Santa Teresita
  • For restaurants: Colonia San Francisco
Want to compare airbnb occupancy rates in other cities?

If you are looking for the necessary data in other cities, check out the Airbnb statistics including the highest occupancy rates!

airbnb mexico

In conclusion, Mexico has a wide variety of beautiful options in its cities for all kinds of travelers across the globe. During our in-depth research about the Airbnb occupancy rates in Mexican cities, we also discovered that there were certain listings (vacation rental homes, private rooms, etc) that portrayed the highest occupancy rates & annual revenue. 

Fortunately, for hosts like you, this shouldn’t be a difficult task if you have a reliable data analytics tool to help you figure out a strategy for your Airbnb business! If you will base your assumptions on articles portraying poorly estimated costs or a wild guess, then you will certainly find inaccurate results. Since you already have a broad perspective of occupancy rates for apartment types in the biggest Mexican cities this 2022, don’t settle!

With the help of our all-in-one analytics service, you can vastly enhance your monthly revenue, create a comparison for each neighborhood, add the appropriate amenities and so many more exciting features. Try Airbtics now and stand out among your competitors!

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