Best places to buy
Rental Property in
the United States

Last updated on: 1st May, 2024
United States
We have gathered up all the important real estate market indicators for you, so you don’t have to spend hours.
Our Methodologies
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Appreciation Factors
We assume that the population, income growth, and
property price trend are the most important factors.
We are aware that there are a few other factors,
mainly the crime rate and planned development
projects. However, it is hard to quantify planned
developments, so we did not include them here.
We assume that population and income growth will
eventually catch up with property prices. So, if a
city has had a rapid increase in investment property
prices but population and income are growing slowly,
then we assume that the property price will not grow
as rapidly in the next five years.
- 5 years of population growth
- 5 years of income growth
- 5 years of property price changes
Rental Yields
- Rental Yield: Ratio between the average monthly rent as a single-family rental and the average property sold price for a 2-bedroom house.
- Short-term rental Yield: Ratio between the average monthly short-term rental income and the average property sold price of a 2-bedroom house.
- * Average Rental Yield in the United States is 8.5%
- * Average Short Term Rental Yield in the United States is 14.5%
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